On today’s episode, I'm doing something a bit different—stepping away from our usual discussions about peptides, supplements, and high-tech health solutions. Instead, I'm focusing on some of the most basic, yet crucial lifestyle habits that could accelerate your aging without you even realizing it. These foundational habits are often overlooked, but they play a significant role in how we age. I'll discuss the importance of prioritizing sleep, managing unchecked stress, finding the right balance with exercise, and nurturing social connections.
Read MoreIn this episode, Erin and Nat discuss some of Nat’s favorite takeaways from 100 episodes. She explains how she chooses which biohacks will stay in her daily routine vs. the biohacks she likes to cycle in and out. Nat also talks about how age and gender play a BIG role in biohacking. Lastly, we find out Nat’s favorite peptides!
Read MoreIn this episode, Andrew Wax and I discuss a model of healthcare that is designed to provide patients with a personalized healthcare plan and, even better, a personal healthcare team! Listen to case studies and learn why this model of care if more successful.
Read MoreMy guest this week is Dr. Dan Stickler. Learn how to optimize one's body for performance and longevity with GLP-1 agonists (peptides), anti-aging medications, epigenetics, mindset practices like gratitude, mental health, and so much more.
Read MoreLearn about Ian Mitchell and what drives him to be the research and science superhuman that he is. In this episode, Ian pulls back the curtain on his lab and talks about the research supporting C60 and how he developed his (almost Limitless) brain supplement Neural RX.
Read MoreDr. Dawson, of Wild Health, and I discuss a range of topics from diet to genetics to forest bathing. A common theme here is personalized health. We’re living in a world where it is possible and preferred to treat people based on their unique health history and their unique set of instructions from their body.
Read MoreWith skin being the largest organ of the body, we know that it has the ability to absorb the good and the bad in our environment. Carolina shares some fascinating lab findings of what happens when the skin absorbs OS-01 and how it turns back the clock on aging and protects our skin from the damage of daily life.
Read MoreWomen are not small men. Women's health and fitness should not be treated like men's health and fitness. Women are capable of some major gains if we plan workouts and nutrition according to optimal times of the month. And other thoughts on breathwork, ice baths, and red light therapy.
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