Health Tech - Brain

We created this as a resource for you to be able to easily peruse some of the many tools that Nat either uses herself or recommends to her clients. Please remember that not every item will be right for you—your age, state of health, goals and even budget will determine your needs. So this should be used as a guide (vs a shopping list) so to that end we have also included links to podcasts so that you can dig in a bit deeper and gain insight into whether any given product or modality it right for you.

Each company and their offerings are discussed in an episode (or more) of the Longevity with Nathalie Niddam podcast. The links provided (Shop Now Button) under each item can sometimes be used on their own unless we mention a discount code in the text - please know that these are affiliate links - not only will you get a discount, you will also be supporting our work through the commission generated by your purchase. Thank you in advance for your support.




Podcast episode 101

Change your mental state on demand

Developer of neurobiomimetic clinical technology designed to help patients resolve stress and restore the mind and body. The company's technology is combined with all-natural stress remediation and anti-anxiety clinical methodologies and provides a biological mimic of the same neural pathways the body uses to enter the first stage of sleep, enabling patients to lower stress and improve sleep quality without drugs.

Save 10% on your order, use promo code, NN10off

Apollo Neuro

Apollo Wearables

Podcast episode 133

Good sleep, with nothing added

Apollo wearable was developed by neuroscientists and physicians. It is a wearable that transforms how you feel through your sense of touch giving you more energy, a brighter mood, deeper relaxation & better flow. Through soothing, gentle, waves of vibration, called Apollo vibes the Apollo wearable helps your body relax and reduces the feelings of stress putting you into a state that allows you to have more control over how you want to feel.

Save on your order, use promo code, NAT50


Please note that the information on page is not intended as medical advice. None of these products is intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Before adding any new supplement or practice to your routine, please consult your medical provider to ensure it is right for you.