Posts tagged Longevity Tips
Episode #265: My Top Longevity Tips that Require ZERO Biohacking

In this bonus episode on The Longevity podcast, I break down simple yet powerful practices that anyone can implement to boost their well-being. These tips for improving health and longevity do not require any expensive biohacking equipment. I discuss the importance of having purpose and building community, practicing gratitude, getting regular blood work done, and much more. 

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Episode #264: Annette Verpillot: Why Posture is the Key to Good Health + Unexpected Ways on How to Finally Fix It

You may not realize it, but poor posture can impact everything from digestion to mood to longevity. In this episode on The Longevity podcast, I am joined by posture expert Annette Verpillot to discuss how our alignment - starting from our feet - affects our entire nervous system and brain function. We dive into how posture is connected to the brain-body connection, its effects on various aspects of health, and the importance of working on the nervous system to improve posture. We also discuss the negative effects of wearing improper footwear and practical tips for improving posture, including eye exercises, stress reduction, and proper tongue posture. 

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Episode #233: 10 Strategies For Aging Well And Supporting Mitochondria

In today’s episode, I discuss life’s crucial organelle - the mitochondria. Listen in as I talk about the importance of our mitochondria and why it’s so important to support it with lifestyle habits and supplements. I highlight the need to protect mitochondria from oxidative stress, promote mitochondrial biogenesis, and support mitochondrial repair. Overall, I provide 10 strategies for supporting mitochondrial health which in turn, supports aging well. Some of these strategies may surprise you! Many are free lifestyle habits you can incorporate now, so don’t miss this bonus episode. 

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