Episode #97: Nature Wants Us To Be Fat But We Can Fix That

My guest this week is Dr. Richard Johnson, the author of Nature Wants Us to Be Fat

In this episode, Dr. Johnson and I discuss how nature put a survival switch in our bodies to save us from starvation. Since we are no longer hunters and gatherers, that switch is no longer useful and is often stuck in the on position causing weight gain. Dr. Johnson talks about ways to turn it off and avoid unwanted weight gain, and more importantly, avoid exacerbating major diseases. 

Learn more about Dr. Johnson and his book at https://drrichardjohnson.com/


Richard J. Johnson, M.D. is a Professor of Medicine at the University of Colorado and a practicing physician and has been a medical scientist for over 25 years. He is internationally recognized for his seminal work on the role of sugar and its component fructose, in obesity and diabetes. His work has also suggested a fundamental role for uric acid (which is generated during fructose metabolism) in the metabolic syndrome. Dr Johnson is a prolific scientist and has published over 700 papers and his work has been highly cited. He previously authored The Sugar Fix in 2008 and The Fat Switch in 2012.

Follow Dr. Richard Johnson


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[06:15] How Dr. Johnson got where he is today…

[13:20] Why do our bodies work the way they do when it comes to fat storage?..

[20:09] What foods activate the survival switch?..

[24:45] What are the issues with high glycemic foods?..

[26:05] Why is fructose so harmful for the body?..

[34:25] Study on low fructose with no fruit diet vs some natural fruit and low fructose diet…

[35:30] Does dehydration make you fat?..

[45:18] What is resistant starch?..

[47:42] Does glutamate make you fat fast?..

[55:42] Let’s talk cancer..

[67:55] Can you turn off the obesity switch and repair damaged mitochondria?..



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Disclaimer: This podcast and the information presented are for informational purposes only and not intended to diagnose or treat disease. Before making any changes to your nutrition or supplementation please check with your physician or health provider.