Episode #84: Why You Should Be Cautious Of Most Consumer Genetic Testing

My guest this week is Joe Cohen, CEO of SelfDecode

In this episode, Joe and I discuss his journey to find a cure for his own chronic health issues and how that spurred his interest in genetic testing. We discuss what to look for when choosing a genetic test, how to use it effectively and how not to use it. We talk about how he and his team created one of the most advanced AI’s when it comes to analyzing genetic data and how he built the amazing team that he has. SelfDecode offers complete genetic testing and the ability to plug in raw data if you have already had the testing done elsewhere. There are some things to be wary of when it comes to some DNA testing companies so we appreciate Joe’s coaching on that. 

Learn more about SelfDecode at https://selfdecode.com and use code NAT10 for 10% off.


Joe Cohen won the genetic lottery of bad genes. As a kid, he suffered from inflammation, brain fog, fatigue, digestive problems, anxiety, depression, and other issues that were poorly understood in both conventional and alternative medicine.

Frustrated by the lack of good information and tools, Joe decided to embark on a journey of self-experimentation and self-learning to improve his health - something that has since become known as "biohacking".

After creating the biohacker's ultimate resource website, SelfHacked, Joe moved on to found SelfDecode, the ultimate biotech software platform for DNA and lab-based health recommendations. Today, Joe leads a team of trained scientists, MDs, PhDs and skilled engineers at SelfDecode to help thousands of people take their health into their own hands with holistic and natural recommendations based on their own health data.

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[05:35] Joe’s health journey…

[11:25] The start of Joe's genetic research…

[19:53] What goes into building data for genetic health software?..

[23:00] Does the AI information that SelfDecode is using benefit individuals currently or is it more stored for the future masses?

[29:10] What can people learn from the data at SelfDecode?..

[33:43] Is there anyone at SelfDecode that clients can talk to about their results?..

[38:17] What should people be looking for in a genetic test?..

[44:23] Do people get better results if they add their labs into the platform and does the platform track values over time?..

[48:00] What parameters does SelfDecode go by when determining if labs are normal or abnormal?..

[61:07] Does SelfDecode look at genetic variants that affect the outcome of different diseases or infections?..




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Disclaimer: This podcast and the information presented are for informational purposes only and not intended to diagnose or treat disease. Before making any changes to your nutrition or supplementation please check with your physician or health provider.