Episode #151: Dr. Bill Harris: Fatty Acids and The Omega-3 Index

I’m joined by Dr. Bill Harris, PhD, FASN, President of the Fatty Acid Research Institute and Founder of OmegaQuant Analytics. We’re diving into omega-6s and omega-3s and discussing the benefits of these fatty acids and where they come from. We also cover the importance of maintaining a ratio of omega-6 and omega-3, and whether or not omega-3s have an effect on blood clotting and blood circulation.

Dr. Harris has been a leading researcher in the omega-3 fatty acid field for over 40 years. He has more than 300 scientific papers on fatty acids and health, the vast majority on omega-3. He has been on the faculty of three medical schools (Universities of Kansas, Missouri (at Kansas City), and South Dakota), and has received 5 NIH grants to study omega-3. He was the co-author on three AHA statements on fatty acids and heart health. As the co-inventor of the Omega-3 Index (and other omega-3 blood tests) and founder of OmegaQuant Analytics, Dr. Harris has been ranked among the top 2% of scientists worldwide based on the impact of his research. 


What we discuss:

00:02:38 - Omega-3s and their effects on blood clotting and blood circulation 

00:07:23 - The value of omega-6

00:11:54 - The ratio of omega-6 and omega-3

00:18:03 - Where do arachidonic acid and linoleic acid come from, and what do they do?

00:21:32 - The signs and symptoms of omega-6 deficiency 

00:25:22 - The components of omega-3s

00:31:04 - EPA and DHA  

00:41:35 - Is there a relationship between omega-6 and omega-3 levels and longevity?

00:46:31 - Fish as a source of omega-3 

00:57:21 - Mammalian sourced omega-3s

01:01:34 - What should people be looking out for in their supplements? 

01:06:35 - 3 things to keep in mind about omega-3s and omega-6s 

Key Takeaways:

  • Looking at levels of omega-6 fatty acids in the blood can predict future diseases like heart disease and diabetes. Higher levels of linoleic acid in the blood are associated with lower risk for these diseases. 

  • Increasing your levels of omega-3 is more important than worrying about getting your omega-6 levels down in order to have a good ratio between the two. It is also important to focus on EPA and DHA when it comes to types of omega-3s.

  • It’s important to measure your omega-3 levels. These levels are predictive of good health outcomes and even cholesterol levels. Oily fish like salmon and mackerel are great sources of omega-3s.


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Find more about Dr. Bill Harris:

Website: www.omegaquant.com, www.fareinst.com 

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Omega3Index

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/omega3index/?hl=en

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/omegaquant-analytics/?viewAsMember=true

Twitter: https://twitter.com/OmegaQuant

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZhRX5MX7-dFLXNZjsjhKKw


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OmegaQuant: Use code NAT5 to save 5% on any OmegaQuant test at https://omegaquant.com/ref/NAT5/

Mitopure: Use code NAT10 for 10% off Timeline Nutrition Products at https://www.mitopure.com/

LMNT: https://drinklmnt.com/

Berkeley Life: Use practitioner code NIDDBL for 10% off at berkeleylife.com